Environmental Services Payments

Generate additional revenue by protecting essential natural resources such as carbon, water, soil, and biodiversity through verified conservation practices.
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Main environmental services

Encourage nature conservation and regeneration with sustainable practices that ensure environmental and economic benefits.


Carbon sequestration through regenerative practices, maintenance of carbon stocks in native vegetation and emission reduction through better practices

Water Services

Protection of springs and recharge areas, maintenance of riparian forests and erosion and sedimentation control.


Maintenance of natural reserves, creation of ecological corridors and protection of endangered species.

Soil Conservation

Soil conservation practices, improvement of structure and fertility and prevention of erosion and degradation.

How it works

From identification to compensation: a transparent process to value and reward environmental conservation.


Mapping of provided environmental services and establishment of baseline for benefit measurement.


Continuous digital monitoring of environmental indicators through our integrated platform.


Convert corporate goals into concrete actions that generate sustainable and measurable results at the local level.

Payment mechanisms

Incentive models that transform conservation into a sustainable source of income.

Direct payments

Regular compensation based on verified conservation and environmental improvement results.

Product premiums

Additional value added to products from areas that maintain proven environmental services.

Integrated programs

Combination with other revenue sources such as green credit and technical assistance to maximize benefits.

Be part of the change

Transform environmental conservation into a sustainable income opportunity.